Tuesday, September 14, 2010

School Jitters!

Okay, well i'm a junior now at Beta Academy in Edinburg, Texas and I must admit i was feeling a bit nervous with a mix of intimidation entering my first day as a junior from high school. Questions swarmed my poor feeble head about "my new teachers" like are they strict? Are they fun? Do they assighn alot of homwork? Typical tennager questions and overall the teachers were pretty cool! I know, I'm amazed! I always thought "oh no, junior year thier going to be hard on you, thier going to add more stress to my life with thier expectations and assighnments" but no. In fact they were friendly happy people who want the best for me and the students that attend BETA. Everything was going great; I saw almost all my friends from last year and we talked amongst ourselves about our summer. Everything was great except till  the whole student body got news about the new lunch schedule. OMG!! now the school is following this "A" lunch and "B": lunch thing because the school grew with more kids but it's mostly more freshman. Not cool. Thier so loud and obnoxious. Ever since i was a freshman , it was always a one lunch period because the school was so small in kids so it was fun to have all your friends together for lunch My friends and i were so upset about the new lunch schedule because now we got splitted. I was mortified till i noticed that two of my friends had the same lunch as me so i felt okay. It's going to be a new, rigorous year with fun and new things to discover and become. I'm excited and ready (but not so excited about the lunch!)

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