Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Friendly Freshmen Advice

Alright freshmen, High school is not a nightmare, it's actually the opposite of that. High school is like your fun place to learn, join and discover new interesting things in life. My advice to you guys who are freshmen or are going to be freshmen is that you start to carry a planner to record all your homework for your classes. A planner is so sufficient it will make your life easy on deadlines and assignments for your teachers. Next would be choose your friends wisely. For example if you want to succeed enough to pass and graduate, then you don't want to hang out with the noisy group of kids that will not push you to study for your tests or keep you updated on new activities such as clubs. Look for a nice friend or group of friends who you and that person have common interests with and still help each other out on home work and update one another on tips to help you out for your classes. You can still be friends with the big group of kids that play around but not as much as you would normally do to prevent distraction for your studies. Also, in high school your growing up and maturing so you must act mature and responsible towards your friends, teachers, and your parents. You will be surprised by how much respect you will earn by just saying "Yes sir/ma'am." And when your maturing you will also be experiencing feelings for others in a strong way. For example you will find yourself liking a boy or a girl and you will start to daydream about that person and that causes distraction for you and your grades. Having a boyfriend/girlfriend is a lot to handle among with classes and maintaining your GPA. Many freshmen tend to get a partner and get distracted and regret it later in their sophomore or junior or even senior year. And mainly just have fun; enjoy yourself and don't stress out or put stress on yourself. I know being a teenager is hard and a lot to handle but it's easy going through when you have your friends and family by your side!

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