Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Are we raising a generation of nincompoops?

 Now a days technology is the prime source in children, teens, and adults; smart phones, kindle, ipods.
We all use this technology and we have never really stopped to think about how life would be with out these tech and gadgets helping us. Things now a days are just by a push of a button, or a device that reads you commands by reading your voice. We are not using the ground labor or the hard thinking that should be being done because we are starting to depend less on human minds and more on machines and devices. If you think about it , you will realize that more teens of the generation now have never seen an ice-cube tray or don't know how to use a can opener manually. To be honest that is sad because even when i was a kid i was told that if i wanted to eat soup, that i had to grab the can opener from the drawer and manually open it myself. And i was probably 5 or 6 and i knew about this. You may even see moms who carry their 5 year old kids on a stroller at the stores and you wonder "Why is she doing that?" "That kid is big enough to walk, why isn't he walking? It all makes sense in the technology on how things are being done faster and becoming easy that it is slowly shutting off our minds on thinking straight and not making help on enough to process on what we are doing. I believe it is true and that in the future it just might get worse. We should really fix this by starting out on the parents talking with their kids and getting them familiar on how to wash their clothes with the right soap and the right soap amount  and use teach them to use an ice-cube tray and maybe that can repair the future generations to come.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, when you're hungry you can learn to do anything, even use a can opener!
