Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Are we raising a generation of nincompoops?

 Now a days technology is the prime source in children, teens, and adults; smart phones, kindle, ipods.
We all use this technology and we have never really stopped to think about how life would be with out these tech and gadgets helping us. Things now a days are just by a push of a button, or a device that reads you commands by reading your voice. We are not using the ground labor or the hard thinking that should be being done because we are starting to depend less on human minds and more on machines and devices. If you think about it , you will realize that more teens of the generation now have never seen an ice-cube tray or don't know how to use a can opener manually. To be honest that is sad because even when i was a kid i was told that if i wanted to eat soup, that i had to grab the can opener from the drawer and manually open it myself. And i was probably 5 or 6 and i knew about this. You may even see moms who carry their 5 year old kids on a stroller at the stores and you wonder "Why is she doing that?" "That kid is big enough to walk, why isn't he walking? It all makes sense in the technology on how things are being done faster and becoming easy that it is slowly shutting off our minds on thinking straight and not making help on enough to process on what we are doing. I believe it is true and that in the future it just might get worse. We should really fix this by starting out on the parents talking with their kids and getting them familiar on how to wash their clothes with the right soap and the right soap amount  and use teach them to use an ice-cube tray and maybe that can repair the future generations to come.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Must Watch!

Pretty Little Liars is on  ABC Family every tuesday at 7 pm. It had it's first season in the summer of 2010 and the season finished with high ratings, so it is being asked to do a second season. It is about a group of friends who lost their popular friend who was the leader of the group and is now haunting them by via text messages and through people. She goes by the name of "A." This show mainly attracts teenagers and it is all mainly suspense mixed in with romance. It is a reproduction of the book series by the author Sara Shepard. Tune in for season two coming in early of 2011!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Will Power to Change

I think that every student once in awhile thinks about the negatives of school and says that if they were given an opportunity, they would change "this" or "that" and you often wonder, what if you REALLY were given that chance? What would you change? If I were given this chance I would say that I would change class time. Meaning when class begins, instead of 8:30 AM it should start at 10 AM. That would be genius for me! Honestly I am a morning person but everyday waking up early can be very stressing. I'm pretty sure other students would agree on me about this issue too, so hopefully it could happen. Who knows?

Friday, September 17, 2010

Thought of Political Cartoon

There is huge controversy over the United States constitution of the fourteenth amendment. People are concerned about the amendment getting abused since the amendment is about citizenship and that if you are born in America then you are an American. But since many people are crossing over and delivering their babies in America they are now forced to stay in America and get all their benefits. I for one am NOT COOL with this. Those babies that are born in america are their "Anchor Babies" meaning they are their milk ticket for the parents getting all the benefits such as food stamps from the hard working people who work for the money being used for those food stamps and spending it like crazy! It's a crazy thing to see considering that i live right by the border and Im witnessed to many illegals coming and delivering babies. Then those babies, as they grow, usually start to continue the pattern on the family and get into gangs, or sell drugs. They mainly become delinquents. I know not ALL follow this path but the majority do. I am a proud american of the constitution and advise not start to change things around with constitution but if it means it can fix this big problem in the U.S. then by all means do.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Friendly Freshmen Advice

Alright freshmen, High school is not a nightmare, it's actually the opposite of that. High school is like your fun place to learn, join and discover new interesting things in life. My advice to you guys who are freshmen or are going to be freshmen is that you start to carry a planner to record all your homework for your classes. A planner is so sufficient it will make your life easy on deadlines and assignments for your teachers. Next would be choose your friends wisely. For example if you want to succeed enough to pass and graduate, then you don't want to hang out with the noisy group of kids that will not push you to study for your tests or keep you updated on new activities such as clubs. Look for a nice friend or group of friends who you and that person have common interests with and still help each other out on home work and update one another on tips to help you out for your classes. You can still be friends with the big group of kids that play around but not as much as you would normally do to prevent distraction for your studies. Also, in high school your growing up and maturing so you must act mature and responsible towards your friends, teachers, and your parents. You will be surprised by how much respect you will earn by just saying "Yes sir/ma'am." And when your maturing you will also be experiencing feelings for others in a strong way. For example you will find yourself liking a boy or a girl and you will start to daydream about that person and that causes distraction for you and your grades. Having a boyfriend/girlfriend is a lot to handle among with classes and maintaining your GPA. Many freshmen tend to get a partner and get distracted and regret it later in their sophomore or junior or even senior year. And mainly just have fun; enjoy yourself and don't stress out or put stress on yourself. I know being a teenager is hard and a lot to handle but it's easy going through when you have your friends and family by your side!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

School Jitters!

Okay, well i'm a junior now at Beta Academy in Edinburg, Texas and I must admit i was feeling a bit nervous with a mix of intimidation entering my first day as a junior from high school. Questions swarmed my poor feeble head about "my new teachers" like are they strict? Are they fun? Do they assighn alot of homwork? Typical tennager questions and overall the teachers were pretty cool! I know, I'm amazed! I always thought "oh no, junior year thier going to be hard on you, thier going to add more stress to my life with thier expectations and assighnments" but no. In fact they were friendly happy people who want the best for me and the students that attend BETA. Everything was going great; I saw almost all my friends from last year and we talked amongst ourselves about our summer. Everything was great except till  the whole student body got news about the new lunch schedule. OMG!! now the school is following this "A" lunch and "B": lunch thing because the school grew with more kids but it's mostly more freshman. Not cool. Thier so loud and obnoxious. Ever since i was a freshman , it was always a one lunch period because the school was so small in kids so it was fun to have all your friends together for lunch My friends and i were so upset about the new lunch schedule because now we got splitted. I was mortified till i noticed that two of my friends had the same lunch as me so i felt okay. It's going to be a new, rigorous year with fun and new things to discover and become. I'm excited and ready (but not so excited about the lunch!)