Wednesday, May 4, 2011

OSAMA'S Political Cartoon Death

Bin Laden's death causes reassurance to the ones who suffered in 9/11.

The symbol for this cartoon is the American flag planted on the ground of the grave symbolizing that the person was an American.

Another Symbol is the date on the newspaper signifying the news of Osama Bin Laden dead.
The message for this cartoon is that FINALLY the victims of 9/11 can rest in peace as they should have been.

This cartoon is messaging the fact that there is still skepticism over Osama's death. 

There is the symbol of Osama's beard and another symbol of the newspaper stating "Osama Dead" with a question mark. It's trying to convey that Americans and many more people want to see proof of Osama Bin Laden's death.


Hooray! America's number one massed murder has been killed by U.S. Navy Seals. After almost ten years in hiding, after the horrible September 11th day, U.S. officials and President Barack Obama followed leads on Bin Laden and ordered it "a go" and got rid of him with two blows to the face ripping out part of his skull due to the impact of the shot gun. In honest opinion, do you feel safe now, now that Osama is gone? Many agree yes, others argue no. We'll see what happens. Overall this newspaper grabbed my attention.


This Newspaper sadly did not catch my attention and perhaps the attention of others, their headline was too small and they are not emphasizing the point of Bin laden's death. They are emphasizing "Pain With a Purpose" more. Maybe they were just not equipped to fix and rearrange their newspaper design due to the quick notice of the massive announcement heard around the world! The second is just ugly vulgar language.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I say, Let's Go Fruit!

How many servings of fruit do you consume a day? Is it even fruit or is it that fruit drenched in the corn syrup that comes from a cain draining it of it's  precious and essential nutrients for you're growing body?

 Many Americans now-a-days, are skipping the fruit choice for fake artificial fruit. My point exactly is the whole deal with apple juice. Millions of parents purchase apple juices or other fruit juices because they believe they are benefiting their children but they are wrong. Naturally flavored fruit juices are not so natural than you may think. A simple fruit juice can carry from 28-36  grams of sugar, that's equivalent to a coke can that carries 32 grams of sugar. That's the daily amount of sugar your body needs in one single day. Can you imagine all the excess sugar you are consuming by having just one bottle of juice?

But that's not it, many americans do not just drink one bottle and then simply go to water, oh no sir! Many will more than likely drink another bottle so you double your sugar intake that will then store as fat in your body and will not benefit your excretory system by trying to clean out all the toxins in your body. Your body will naturally store anything extra that it does not need in an area of your body and sugar can serve as a fat.  In other words you are just adding more work for your body and more unnecessary sugar amounts that will leave your body feeling fatigue and tired; less energy. And just when you thought that a simple "fruit juice" would boost your energy. Be wise and go raw. If you want the energy, the essential nutrients, the natural sugar, then get it straight from the source; buy fruit. Buy apples, oranges, bananas, mangoes, strawberries, grapes, etc.

You can even satisfy your sweet tooth buy buying blueberries and storing them in the freezer for about an hour and a half, and you can have frozen berries melt in your mouth. We need to take action and so no to artificial and bring in the raw source. our bodies need 2-4 servings a fruit a day. You may think, well how can i do that? How can I fit in 4 servings of fruit into a hectic schedule? Easy, pack a fruit for every meal you eat. For breakfast, you can eat one medium size raw banana. With the potassium and essential vitamins and minerals a banana carries, it can give you that extra boost for your hectic day ahead of you without the drowsy tired feeling a sugary danish or cappuccino would give you. For your lunch take in your daily fiber by having an apple and for dessert you can have fresh cut strawberries!There are so many choices and believe it or not, fruit helps you fight many diseases such as reducing  your risk of ever having a stroke, and perhaps other problems involving cardiovascularSaving you money in return, which is god for your health, your wallet, and for your generation of future kids to come. Fruit is nature's gift that we should not use as a display, but take advantage of its health benefits it offers to our bodies and mind. 

Over all think wise. Next time you are at any grocery store or restaurant, choose the raw way not the sugary artificial "fruit" drink that in the end might risk your body status of having a health disease to come.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Facebook Usage Vs, America

Facebook has been the new "Breakout" chain in the past year and now there are thousands of teens who are members of the popular website. With status updates such as "At the mall" or "OMG, i just saw a grandma fall of the chair earlier. lol" But little do we know, social networks can serve a HIGH vast of importance in getting a message across. Such as what is going on in the Middle East and Egypt how that one man posted videos of what was going on over there and he would post it on his wall and in about an hour, it was shared all around the world 60,000 times. Facebook does have it's benefits BUT ONLY if we put it to GOOD USE. Many of the Americans (it's most common users attraction) running from 13-24 year olds, use this as just chatting and posting funny pictures of situations or photos of ourselves. To me, that sounds a little selfish and egocentric on behalf of the U.S.A. We could be using this in a positive way and perhaps we can save a revolutionary such as that man from Egypt that was gotten arrested but was released and see as a hero. He now wants to meet Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"N" Controversy

This cartoon EMPHASIZES so much. If you are a person who has read "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain, then you can probably understand this cartoon better and realize that it is nonsense on America to ban Mark Twain's book because it mentions the N-word several times. In my opinion it adds the character and history for young readers to read and get a feel on how times were back then and the language that was spoken often and was seen normal at that time. Many people believe its an excellent recipe to stir up controversy because people get offended when they see the N-word but in reality, we have rappers such as "50 Cent", Jay Z", or Sean Diddy Combs" that say that word ALMOST OFTEN on their records and songs. But is America fretting on that? Is America stopping their kids from hearing that type of music? Why hasn't that music been banned yet? THese are the questions that I ponder about. Until then, Leave Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" ALONE. Do not change the style, leave it as it is.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New FRESH Goals for the Year 2011!! !

There are many goals for many people in this world, but for each, it depends on their lives, quality, taste and train of thought. As for mine, My top five Goals for 2011 would be to:

1) Learn to love like it's never going to hurt.

2) Be there more for family and loved ones.

3) Set a well example for myself and my future.

4) Sart getting my whole 8 hours of sleep every night.

5) And lastly, carry hope with me in a safe place so that I may NEVER ever loose it in my life.