Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Hooray! America's number one massed murder has been killed by U.S. Navy Seals. After almost ten years in hiding, after the horrible September 11th day, U.S. officials and President Barack Obama followed leads on Bin Laden and ordered it "a go" and got rid of him with two blows to the face ripping out part of his skull due to the impact of the shot gun. In honest opinion, do you feel safe now, now that Osama is gone? Many agree yes, others argue no. We'll see what happens. Overall this newspaper grabbed my attention.


This Newspaper sadly did not catch my attention and perhaps the attention of others, their headline was too small and they are not emphasizing the point of Bin laden's death. They are emphasizing "Pain With a Purpose" more. Maybe they were just not equipped to fix and rearrange their newspaper design due to the quick notice of the massive announcement heard around the world! The second is just ugly vulgar language.

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