Friday, February 18, 2011

Facebook Usage Vs, America

Facebook has been the new "Breakout" chain in the past year and now there are thousands of teens who are members of the popular website. With status updates such as "At the mall" or "OMG, i just saw a grandma fall of the chair earlier. lol" But little do we know, social networks can serve a HIGH vast of importance in getting a message across. Such as what is going on in the Middle East and Egypt how that one man posted videos of what was going on over there and he would post it on his wall and in about an hour, it was shared all around the world 60,000 times. Facebook does have it's benefits BUT ONLY if we put it to GOOD USE. Many of the Americans (it's most common users attraction) running from 13-24 year olds, use this as just chatting and posting funny pictures of situations or photos of ourselves. To me, that sounds a little selfish and egocentric on behalf of the U.S.A. We could be using this in a positive way and perhaps we can save a revolutionary such as that man from Egypt that was gotten arrested but was released and see as a hero. He now wants to meet Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook.

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