Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Smart Phones seem to be the "Must have" this season and through out the years to come. These phones carry everything from Mp3 to the daily weather report. Though they may sound useful in a busy person's life, I think you we are getting "a little bit distracted" in life. I know my brother who is the owner of the latest HTC smartphone from T-Mobile, does not own a wristwatch because his phone tells him the time but in the end, he is hurting himself by not reading time daily with a clock and often gets in trouble in class for having a phone out. He is many of the millions Americans who ask "What time is it?" while having a clock  in front of them but instead they rely on their phones. In my opinion this is a disadvantage to our learning. Smart phones are not making us smart! Though Smart phones have improved many people's lives. Now one who does not own a computer will have access to the Internet through their phone and be able to E-mail from far away. Improving their social connection with other beings. To me, the most important invention was the Mp3 or ipod. I was in the 5th grade who carried around a bulky cd player and had her collection of cd's with them and honestly it was so much to carry. But in the early 2006 was when i first purchased my ipod that was a 4 GB and held 2,000 songs all in one small handheld device! I was very pleased. But compared to my grandfather, the most important invention for him was the radio that changed his life. Although there were very few stations to hear, he was entertained. Smart phones carry internet very well and are very swift when looking up things, but they are not the same with a desktop or laptop computer. Both the laptop and desktop, carry much more detail when it comes to work, for example essays and test. You wouldn't be able to write an essay through your phone because that would be mind boggling and impossible. I think just because of that reason, computers will still carry on. I, for one, would not stop using my laptop. Its efficient and extremely reliable for important situations. I do have a need for T.V., because I love the show "Smallville" and i must watch it when it is aired on t.v. It is not the same when you view your favorite show on the computer rather than on Tv. You do not get the "full effect."

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