Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Better Photos

For taking better photos, I am good at looking my subject in the eye. You really try to capture their features and press click. I really didn't know we had to use flash outdoor when the sun is out (it makes a difference). What I need to work on is my lighting, locking the focus and knowing my flash range. I would have to practice with simple things outside and inside and take the pictures. In journalism, when you are assigned to take pictures, your pictures will not be posed unlike the ones they have on the Kodak examples.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Classic Must watch! My Favorite movie!!

Roman Holiday. Filmed in 1953.
Is my favorite classic movie! I am a classic fanatic and I absolutely LOVE this movie. It stars Gregory Peck and In her first major motion picture, Audrey Hepburn. Both of them are magic. This movie is about a princess (Hepburn) who is tired of the royal life so one night she plans to escape and see the real life of a commoner. When she escapes and discovers a bar she drinks till she is drunk. Then a news reporter (Peck) discovers her and decides to write a story about her knowing he would get a huge amount of money for it. It is comedy/romance. A must watch if you are a classic movie lover.

Editorial cartoon

This cartoon was taken by Stephane Peray who is from Bangkok, Thailand.
To me, this cartoon shows a couple of coal minors that are stuck under a mine and their rescue is a man in red at the very top who is waving hi to them. To me it seems like the coal men seemed desperate to seek help and now they are happy because they found a person to help them out of their problem.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Feeling Safe in the Valley

As a person who has lived in the valley for 17 years, I say i pretty much feel safe in the valley. I'm from San Juan and once in a while the cops patrol my neighborhood and check if things are going normal. It makes me feel relaxed. Also, my neighbors that live beside my house are very kind; they invite my family and I to parties, offer us extra groceries since they pick out onions and tomatoes. Their actually really awesome people! Now I know people think that the Valley is right by the border and that their is drugs and violence but I say it depends on which part of the Valley do you live in to determine your safety. Pretty much over all it's a safe place to be in and the only negative is that it's very FLAT land and VERY HUMID!!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

What May a "Junior Moment" be?

Being a junior in high school, there are many "moments" to have happen to you. But as for me my "Junior moment" would be the pressure of college. For instance when I was a sophomore last year, I would constantly hear on the intercom, "All Juniors and Seniors go to....blah blah" and now as i am a junior i heard the announcement about the college fair in the gym and of course when they announced it, I heard "Only Seniors and Juniors!" It brought me to reality and i felt my "Junior moment" when I was exempt from class to go speak to these college sponsors all around Texas and New Mexico or Florida. It felt different and thats when I felt the pressure was on for college.