Thursday, December 2, 2010

My SELF- Assesment

For my self-assesment, I am not too confident in my communication skills because I studder a lot during pressure. For instance, If i were to be having a presentation where I'm speaking to a large audience, I would began to speak fast and studder which is a big problem.

Listening skills are good on me because I'm usually quiet and observant and with silence I can hear very well and remember the task.

Writing Skills are another of my strongest abilities because I enjoy writing in depth for a purpose to unfold to the reader. I can write legibly and and freely.

Speaking Skills are when you are communicating orally and from what I know, I can communicate well in a group or team. We can get things done!

My Interpersonal skills are like in a 50/50 situation right now. I work well in groups; I can communicate and discuss but if i have one rude or handicap person, I am at a lost. I would not know how to handle the situation on my own.

As for curiosity, I am good in asking questions and wondering about certain things and the reason behind the way they act or serve as a purpose. But as for my awareness, I am good but not 100% good. I can notice things that only attract my attention or catch my eye but other than that things can fly past me and I wouldn't be noticing.

For self-direction,  I am one who needs to hear what to be told or else I will be reluctant to do it. I was once one who would just do the proper things and do as she knew was right until I got in trouble so now, I just wait to be told to avoid any conflicts.

Self-Confidence, I believe, is the key to the future to succeed and I carry a happy confident personality so that others may do the same too.